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IV Vitamin Infusion Services





Choose from a variety of

Infusion Options

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IV Infusions List
1) MVP Infusion
This concentrated dose of amino acids, electrolytes, and multi-vitamins supports the rebuilding, maintenance and hydration of your muscles, enhancing endurance and recovery. We formulated a treatment that provides more benefits than any workout or energy drinks, shakes and pills without the unwanted side effects of harmful additives includDuringed in them. Flush out lactic acid and restore your body with one liter of hydration. Get pumped with 100% nutrients absorption, your muscles will thank you! Perfect for professional and amateur athletes, as well as part of a pre-endurance boost or post-event recovery plan. Fluids you need within 30-45 minutes.
Complete Hydration, Replenishes Electrolytes, Increase Endurance, Reduces muscle recovery time, Boosts Metabolism, Increases Energy, Enhances fat burning, Improves mental function
What's In It?
Complete Hydration, Replenishes Electrolytes, Increase Endurance, Reduces muscle recovery time, Boosts Metabolism, Increases Energy, Enhances fat burning, Improves mental function
When to Drip?
Before or after strenuous exercise.
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MVP Infusion
2) Hydration IV Infusion
If you are suffering from fatigue, dehydration, or are simply curious about intravenous supplementation, our hydration therapy provides you with a baseline of fluids and electrolytes to restore your body’s balance. While your body craves actual water to increase your body’s fluid levels, the additional minerals and electrolytes help control water distribution and fluid balance, while participating in nerve conduction and muscle contraction, as well as carbohydrate utilization and protein synthesis. With a baseline of nutrients and fluids, this therapy hydrates your body and leaves you feeling refreshed.
Hydration, Detox, Acid Reduction, Electrolyte Restoration, Improved Focus & Mental Function
What's In It?
Electrolytes, Hydration, Calcium, Glutathione  and more
When to Drip?
If you get chronic headaches or are depleted of electrolytes.If you feel dehydrated and want to replenish fluid levels.
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Hydration IV Infusion
3) MedFusion Signature Infusion
Our “all in one” MedFusion signature infusion is formulated with vitamin C, B-complex, B12, and trace elements. Vitamin C has numerous health benefits, including promoting a strong immune system, reducing heart disease, and stimulating collagen production. B-complex that help make healthy cells, improve brain function, regulate the nervous and digestive system, and aid in converting food into energy. B12 boosts energy levels, keeps nerve and blood cells healthy, improves sleep, and protects against the harmful health effects of stress. Trace elements help you maintain plasma levels. With our help in our clinic you can absorb 100% of the fluids, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to stay healthy.
Complete hydration, Replenishes electrolytes, Helps cell production, Promotes cardiovascular health, Boosts mood and nervous system, Strengthens immune system, Increases energy, Improved Mental Function
What's In It?
Vitamins    Minerals, B Complex, Glutathione, Trace Elements, B12, and more
When to Drip?
When you feel tired and want to get that extra energy and kick out of life
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MedFusion Signature Infusion
4) High Dose Vitamin C
A high dose of vitamin C will enhance your immune system’s ability to fight off everything from the common cold to this year’s toughest flu strains. Whether you're trying to prevent a cold or looking for cold remedies, The High Dose Vitamin C IV infusion has the fluids to keep you hydrated and essential nutrients to restore balance to your health. Vitamin C is the ultimate immune system booster to help fight off the common illnesses. In addition, Vitamin C helps reduce cardiovascular disease, promotes eye health, and improves collagen production. B-complex delivers five B vitamins of B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6 which boost your energy level increase cell production and growth and promote healthy immune, nervous, and digestive systems. Within 30-45 minutes, absorb 100% of the fluids and vitamins from this infusion and start feeling better faster.
Fights off fatigue and cold Replenishes electrolytes Strengthens immune system Helps cell production
What's In It?
Zinc B12 B Complex Multi Trace Elements Vitamin C and more
When to Drip?
Perfect before a long trip, on a crowded airplane, you are exposed to international microbes from other travelers making you more prone to getting sick. It is also best to get this infusion at the first signs of illness to help decrease the potential duration.
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High Dose Vitamin C
5) Bold & Beautiful Infusion
This infusion will help your skin glow and aid in making your bones and joints feel younger. This formula slows down the aging process, builds your immune system and reduces the effects of stress. Antioxidants in it not only promotes healthy bright skin but also act as natural detoxifier. Amino acid helps improve skin, hair and nails. It enhances collagen production, improves gut health, promotes sleep quality and supports healthy brain function. Get the ultimate beauty boost from the inside out with this perfect blend of hydration.
Improves skin hair & nails Eliminates toxins Hydration Enhances collagen production
What's In It?
Biotin Niacin B Complex Vitamin C Glutathione and more
When to Drip?
Before special occasion To replenish lost vibrancy.
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Bold & Beautiful Infusion
6) I Said YES to Myer's
Our Myers is the perfect IV to alleviate chronic symptoms like inflammation, muscle pain, fatigue and stress and mood balance. With the perfect blend of multivitamins and hydration this infusion also helps increase immune support, alleviate anxiety, migraines and muscle cramps. Relax with this IV drip that can help restore balance to your mind, body and even soul. Within 30-45 minutes, you can rehydrate and give your brain the boost it needs to focus and retain information better.
Complete hydration Elevates Stress Restore Balance Fights Adrenal fatigue
What's In It?
Calcium Magnesium B Complex Vitamin C B12 and more
When to Drip?
Before or during a headache.Once every 2 weeks if helping to address chronic disease/ inflammation.
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I Said Yes to Myers
7) Detox & Anti-Aging IV Infusion
Our Detox and Anti-Aging IV Infusion includes nature’s greatest antioxidant (glutathione) and some enzymes, which work together to repair and generate new cells so you can feel and look great. Glutathione is an antioxidant that slows down the aging process, reduces the effects of stress, and supports a healthy immune system. Glutathione brightens skin and is a natural detoxifier to help remove toxins in your body. You can give your skin and body the fluids, vitamins, and minerals it needs to look and stay healthy, thanks to this IV.
FEMALE ANTI-AGING Female hormones have biggest influences on overall mood, libido, and weight. We offer anti-aging infusions that will help you restore your over all look.


MALE ANTI-AGING Hormone affected is Testosterone. Symptoms of low Testosterone include changes in sexual function, body composition, and even disturbed sleep patterns. We can help.

Improves skin Detoxifies liver & cells Boosts metabolism Increases energy Improves mental function Restore Hormonal Imbalance
What's In It?
Biotin Zinc SeleniumGlutathioneB12 Calcium and more
When to Drip?
Fatigued Signs of Aging Irritability Mood Swings
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Detox AntiAging IV Infusion
8) Weight Loss IV Infusion
Designed to improve fat transport and burning, Weight loss IV infusion speeds up your metabolism and helps you shed weight in a fast, safe way that works even better in combination with diet and exercise. In less than 45 minutes, receive the nutrients your body needs to kick-start your weight loss goals. Forget the shakes and pills, now you can Drip and Drop! This highly concentrated dose of amino acids, electrolytes and & multi-vitamins holistically provides the extra help you need to reach your weight loss goals. Not only does it hydrate & restore your body’s natural balance, but it optimizes your nutrient levels to help you burn more fat, increase metabolism and build lean muscle. Plus, with increased energy and stamina you can really kick your waistline into better shape.
Complete Hydration Promotes weight loss Boosts Metabolism Increases Energy Enhances fat burning Improved mental function Bone Density
What's In It?
B Complex Carnitine Glycine Glutathione Lipo C Taurine and more
When to Drip?
Before or after strenuous exercise.Weekly as part of your weight loss regiment.
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Weigh Loss IV Infusion
9) The Royal Hangover
Looking for hangover remedies? Skip the coffee or any remedy you swear by and get instant hangover relief with one full liter of hydration, high dose vitamins, antioxidants and micronutrients. Revive yourself with the ultimate liver detox and energy boost to recover and get back on your feet in no time! Try the Royal Hangover IV infusion. Bring yourself back to life with enough fluids to rehydrate your body, combined with powerful nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea medications to eliminate the nasty after effects of a night out. It helps cure hangovers fast, so you can get back on your feet in no time at all.
Complete hydration Hangover relief Replenishes electrolytes Relieves headaches Treats nausea & vomiting
What's In It?
Magnesium Calcium B Complex Thiamine Zofran and more
When to Drip?
This Drip is best before a long weekend or celebration to help avoid a hangover or after a long night out to restore and revive you..
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Royal Hangover
10) The Migraine Relief
We know migraines and intense cluster headaches are debilitating. We created the Migraine Relief IV infusion to provide a migraine cure, helping you get back to normal as quickly as possible. The intense pain and nausea associated with migraines can be incapacitating for chronic sufferers who just want to get back to their daily lives. If you’re looking for migraine remedies that will work fast, try our Migraine Relief infusion. It treats the headache as well as any accompanying symptoms. It includes vitamins, minerals, and medications to help you return to pain-free living.
Complete hydration Migraine & headache relief Treats nausea & vomiting Increases energy
What's In It?
Saline, B-complex, Toradol, Zofran, Magnesium and more
When to Drip?
During an active migraine or headache
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The Migraine Relief
11) Pre-Surgery Infusion
Our Pre-Surgery Infusion is a multivitamin cocktail that specializes in optimizing your physical health, performance and neurological functions. It simultaneously expands your immune support, keeps you feeling energized and refreshed for upcoming procedures. Along with one liter of hydration it is rich in antioxidants. Including in it a push of high dose glutathione for glowing skin, recovery will be sweet as candy apple.
Hydration Anti Inflammatory Increased Immunity
What's In It?
Calcium Multi Trace Elements Vitamin C and more
When to Drip?
When you are getting ready to have a general procedure done.
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PreSurgery Infusion
12) Post-Surgery Infusion
Post Surgery infusion takes a blend of high dose Vitamin C and antioxidants to help maximize your body's ability for tissue repair and wound healing. We know that your body is undergoing a large amount of stress, this same stress can lead to infections, decreased energy, and a weakened immune system. The solution is Post Surgery Infusion. The nutrition it provides will help increase cellular growth in order to rebuild the human body after surgery.
Hydration and energy Increased metabolism Mental focus Immune function Anti Inflammatory Faster Healing Detox
What's In It?
Trace Elements Vitamin C B Complex Magnesium and more
When to Drip?
After your procedure to expedite your healing time and detoxify your body.
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Post Surger Infusion
13) Athletes Are Us
Enhance your training with this nitric oxide power house designed for pro athletes. Whether you run marathons, do cross fit, lift, or cycle staying hydrated is an essential part of training hard. In addition to complete hydration, our infusion helps athletes work out harder and longer by giving your body the nutrients it needs to recover and strengthen. This IV infusion formula is perfect for those looking to increase stamina while dilating blood vessels for improved blood flow.
Complete hydration Replenishes electrolytes Increases endurance Promotes muscle growth Reduces muscle recovery time Helps eliminate toxins Strengthen immune system Boosts metabolism Increases energy Enhances fat burning Improves mental function
What's In It?
B Complex Glutathione Tri Amino of Arg Cit and more
When to Drip?
Before a physically and mentally demanding event, could be a marathon.Whenever you are feeling fatigued and mentally bogged down.
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Athletes Are Us
14) Say NO to Jet Lag
Crossing time zones takes its toll on your sleep schedule. Jet Lag Relief IV therapy with hydration and essential nutrients helps your body adjust to long travel and new time zones. Jet lag IV therapy is ideal for pilots, flight attendants and anyone traveling by air for business or pleasure. Enjoy a relaxing IV hydration session before you fly for maximum up-time when you arrive. Our IV drip formulation is equally effective when you return. In addition to saline to rehydrate you quickly, our intravenous jet lag treatment includes vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immune system and support restful sleep. IV fluids and vitamins, delivered directly into your bloodstream, help you sleep better and get your circadian rhythm back on track more quickly.
Complete hydration Increases energy Improves mental function Enhances muscle strength Fights fatigue
What's In It?
Magnesium Potassium Zinc Selenium Taurine Glycine and more
When to Drip?
Before and after long flights to reduce the effects of jet lag and airplane dehydration..
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Say NO to Jet Lag
15) Stress Away
This infusion has all the essential vitamins to helps control stress levels, so you feel more relaxed.MedFusion’s Stress Away infusion delivers all essential nutrients directly into your bloodstream for maximum absorption to calm the body and eliminate moodiness, irritability and other signs of stress. With a simple session at our clinic, your body gets everything it needs to relax so you can get back to your daily activities without feeling stressed.Our blend of IV vitamins, minerals, and amino will provide a natural way to calm your nerves, melt away stress, and reduce anxiety levels all while boosting your health! It’s our promise.
Complete hydration Increases energy Improves mental function Fights fatigue Decrease Anxiety and Mood Swings
What's In It?
Magnesium Potassium Zinc Selenium Taurine Glycine and more
When to Drip?
Periods of high stressPeriods of poor sleepPeriods of high Anxiety.
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Stress Away
16) Pregnancy Glow
Pregnancy should be the happiest time of your life not the most miserable. At MedFusion we understand the importance of that feeling. A lot of pregnant women experience some sort of morning sickness, acid reflux and headaches, let us help rehydrate and curb your nausea & vomiting with our Pregnancy glow. This IV is packed with electrolytes to help keep you hydrated, and your electrolytes balanced. With the addition of anti-nausea medicine, you will not feel sick at all. All at a 10th the cost of an Urgent care or ER bill, you'll be feeling like yourself again in no time.
Complete hydration Replenishes electrolytes Increases endurance Boosts metabolism Increases energy Improves mental function Decrease Anxiety Decrease nausea & headaches associated with pregnancy
What's In It?
B Complex Electrolytes Zofran Vitamins and more
When to Drip?
Nausea and headache associated with pregnancy Acidity from eating during pregnancy Decreased Energy
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Pregnancy Glow
17) Libido More
Decreasing interest in sex is an unfortunate byproduct of aging. But that shouldn’t be an area of your life that slowly dies. There are various medical treatments aimed at this problem, but those are mostly from the male perspective. Plus, they don’t work at the cellular level. Naturally addressing sexual drive and stamina, rather than one-shot chemical fixes, is a long-term solution. That’s why you should infuse your sex life with our special Libido More IV Therapy. The IV reinvigorates your interest in sex and improves your ability to perform, but it does so from the perspective of delivering the proper nutrients necessary to do so. The goal is to increase blood flow and produce a naturally stimulating change in libido. Libido More IV Therapy does this with a mix of antioxidants, B vitamins, and amino acids. You can take this
Improved sex drive Energy Mood Swings Increased Stamina Boosts testosterone
What's In It?
Vitamin C Glutamine Arginine Leucine Valine Magnesium Sulfate Selenium and more
When to Drip?
Decreased sex drive Low energy Mood swings
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Libido More
18) Antioxidant Infusion
Prevent free radical damage by stabilizing reactive molecules that cause cellular damage, aging, and disease. We use strong and stable antioxidants that help blood cells function more effectively and protects them from damage by free radicals. Sodium Bicarbonate maintains the PH balance in the blood, neutralizes acids and strengthens the kidneys. Glutathione has tremendous impact on maintaining cellular health, as it is the only intracellular antioxidant neutralizing free radicals inside the cells. Glutathione is a catalyst to Vitamin C, maximizing Vitamin C’s antioxidant capabilities. Magnesium supports the body’s antioxidant systems and prevents the accumulation of oxidative byproducts in the liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles tissues, and red blood cells.
Healthy skin nails hair Stable blood flow Better mood Energy Better judgement skills
What's In It?
Glutathione Vitamin C Magnesium Selenium and more
When to Drip?
Starting a new weight loss planHit a weight loss plateauAfter a night out as a hangover cureTo decrease inflammation
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Antioxidant Infusion
19) Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy
Help in the Fight against Cancer. Combat the side effects of chemo & radiation with this IV formulated not only to boost your energy & support cellular growth, but also contains antioxidants to offset the free radical damage that occurs with both chemo & radiation. These side effects occur because chemo & radiation not only kill cancer cells, but they kill normal cells as well. Commonly affected cells are those in the GI tract and mouth, the hair cells, & cells from the reproductive system as well, this can result in fatigue, insomnia, anemia, & weakened immunity. The ingredients in this IV, when used in conjunction with an oncology treatment plan, can help alleviate many of these side effects.
*We encourage you to discuss the use of this IV with your treating oncologist—especially when including antioxidants—as the timing and use of these agents is important and sometimes controversial in overall treatment.
Fatigue Nausea Anemia Boosts Immunity Depression
What's In It?
Alpha Lipoic Acid B complex B12569 Glutathioneand more
When to Drip?
Before or After chemo and radiation treatment
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20) Pre-Party Infusion
The secret of the pros to Feel & Look Good. Pump up before you hit the party scene and helps build up your reserves so you can handle whatever your weekend or evening plans hold. Plus, to look Sexy Hot, we’ve pumped this IV drip with Glutathione to give your hair & skin that radiant healthy glow. It’s the liquid gold secret to looking bright and fresh! To be able to party all night and enjoy endless hours of dancing, we’ve added a combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that give you an immediate boost so you can make it to the after-party!! So get charged and ready to roll, and infuse your body with the right fluids to keep your roll going. Detox before you Intox.
Radiance Energy Healthy Skin Shiny Hair Increased Metabolism
What's In It?
Magnesium Potassium Zinc Glutathioneand more
When to Drip?
Overnighter Wedding Long Weekend Festival
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PreParty Infusion
21) Allergic Rhinitis
Rehydrate and detoxify the body, boost the immune system, and increase energy to alleviate the symptoms of a cold or flu. Vitamin C, Glutathione, B-Complex, Magnesium Chloride reduces the duration, severity, and incidence of the common cold. It is a potent anti-viral agent that restores energy, boosts the immune system against pathogens, and aids in detoxification. Glutathione is a major detoxifier, protector and enhancer of immune cells, DNA repairer and energy booster. Vitamins, B-Complex increase energy and multiply the army of white blood cells. Manganese is one of the most important antioxidants for immune support. Ondansetron prevents nausea and vomiting.
Sneezing Stuffy Nose Headaches Light Sensitivity Increase Metabolism Controls excessive hunger
What's In It?
Dexamethasone Magnesium Chloride B Complex Zinc and more
When to Drip?
Early signs of cold Flu Season and Allergies 
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Allergic Rhinitis
22) Baby Boom Infusion
Helps boost fertility in aspiring Soon-to-be-Mothers. May help enable the best developmental conditions for your baby to develop well in the womb. Specifically formulated this therapy delivers powerful prenatal support to women who wish to become pregnant. Biotin, Folic Acid, Zinc, Manganese, and Selenium. Folic acid is the synthetic form of Vitamin B9 (or Folate). It has many benefits for the heart, muscles, ageing is important for mental + emotional health. It is crucial for proper brain function. Folate plays a critical role in cell growth during the embryonic phase of fetal development. Folic acid supplementation can also lengthen mean gestational age increase birth weight and lower the rate of preterm labor in pregnant women.While this therapy provides numerous prenatal benefits, it is also beneficial for many symptoms of women’s health.
Pregnancy Healthy brain function Helps lower congenital birth defects Promotes Pregnancy
What's In It?
Folic Acid Zinc Manganese Biotin and more
When to Drip?
Trying to become pregnant
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Baby Boom Infusion
23) Vegan Vitamin Infusion
Vegan Vitamin Infusion centers around to the nutritional and human health aspects of vegan diets. Improperly planned vegan diets may be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, B-complex or magnesium.Our Vegan Vitamin provides a Natural Energy BOOST. It augments red blood cell production with B-complex to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. Zinc along with various anti-oxidants combats free-radicals to promote basic metabolism, immunity, and healing. Magnesium is vital for nerve and muscle function, enhancing bone strength, and regulating circulatory functions of the heart.
Healthy blood cells Boosts Energy Boosts Immunity Boosts Metabolism Promotes healthy nails and hair
What's In It?
B12 Zinc Magnesium and more
When to Drip?
Needs extra vitamins and minerals due to lack of protein intake
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Vegan Vitamin Infusion
24) Food Poisoning Relief
There's nothing worse than food poisoning.It starts with a vague discomfort and then becomes more defined as the toxins start to disrupt your digestive system. Before long queasiness has given way to vomiting as your body's defense system attacks the toxins that have been released into your body. You will have spent a lot of time in the bathroom and probably vowed never to have that food again. At MedFusion help is available. Food borne illness or gastroenteritis, is a common yet problematic condition affecting millions of Americans. Food poisoning is truly unpleasant and can lead to serious conditions, so you'll want to get fast relief.Most common symptoms include: Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Fever
Nausea Cramps Diarrhea Vomiting Fever Weakness Mood Stability
What's In It?
B Complex Zofran Toradol and more
When to Drip?
Bloody stools or vomit and diarrhea for more than three days. Extreme pain and/or abdominal cramping or a fever higher than 101.5. Sings of dehydration, dizziness or blurred vision.
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Food Poisoning Relief
25) Immunity Support
A high dose of vitamin C, fluids, and vitamins will enhance your immune system’s ability to fight off everything from the common cold to this year’s toughest flu strains. Whether you're trying to prevent a cold or looking for cold remedies, The Immunity Support IV infusion has the fluids to keep you hydrated and a double dose of vitamin C to restore balance to your health.Within 30-45 minutes, absorb 100% of the fluids and vitamins from the Immunity Support infusion and start feeling better faster.
Complete hydration Fights of fatigue and colds Replenishes electrolytes Strengthens immune system Helps cell production Increases energy Improves mental function
What's In It?
Lysine B Complex Glutathione Zinc and more B12
When to Drip?
Feel as if you are starting to get a cold, are feeling run down. You are around people who are sick. You’re already sick
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Immunity Support
26) Fibromyalgia
This IV is a concoction of essential vitamins and minerals that are thought to help the body recover from various disease states. Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common clinical disorder of unknown etiology characterized by widespread pain and muscle tenderness often accompanied by chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depressed mood. The vitamins and minerals contained in this IV are important in the normal functioning of nerves and muscles (magnesium and calcium), metabolism and conversion of food into energy (vitamin B complex), and protection against cell damage (vitamin C). It is infused over a slow IV drip that can take between 30 to 60 minutes.
Migraines Chronic Pain Fatigue Acute muscle spasms
What's In It?
Calcium Magnesium B Complex Vitamin C and more
When to Drip?
Chronic sleep deprivation Muscle cramps Weakness and fatigue
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27) Lunch On Me
Provide calorie free nutrition, energy and immune support to aid in a fast or cleanse. This infusion contains indispensable amino acids and Magnesium that the body needs daily. Magnesium reduces stress, boosts energy, and reduces fluid retention. It also lowers levels of fasting glucose and insulin, controlling fat and weight gain. This infusion also contains the vitamins and minerals necessary to successfully complete a fast or cleanse. Vitamin C aids in the production of serotonin which is important for appetite control. B- Complex also control appetite and hunger normalizing both thyroid hormone production as well as serotonin levels. Vitamin B3 helps stabilize spikes and dips in blood sugar. B12 boosts metabolism and energy levels. Up to 3 times per week during fast or cleanse.
Energy Body Function Immune Support Increased Metabolism
What's In It?
B12 Magnesium Glutathione Vitamin C and more
When to Drip?
Dehydrated Fatigued Depression Lack of Energy
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Lunch On Me
28) Made of Iron
We will determine the optimum Iron content for you. It can reduce low iron related lethargy, fatigue, irritability and tiredness. May lessen a sense of a physical weakness due to low iron levels. Susceptibility to infection, and shortness of breath. An iron level boost may result in better mental concentrationand increase your ability to physically exercise and get fit. Iron is essential for the transport of oxygen to the body’s tissues. While there are numerous causes for iron deficiency, it can be caused by blood loss, poor absorption of iron in foods and Inadequate iron content in your diet. This is one of several potential benefits of this Infusion over taking iron tablets, it will not cause CONSTIPATION. This infusion can be an excellent option for those suffering from low iron, or iron deficiency.
Women – blood loss due to periods Pregnancy and breastfeeding. People over age 65 often due to poor dietVegetarians and Vegans. People who have trouble absorbing iron.
What's In It?
Iron Glutathione Vitamin C B Complex and more
When to Drip?
Lethargy Irritability Shortness of Breath Anemia Fatigue
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Made of Iron
29) Visitors Have Arrived (PMS)
You know the drill, take some extra strength pain killers, hoping it will kick in fast, so the discomfort and mood changes won’t last too long. You wish you could just stay in bed, but you have important things to do.Start your day with this infusion. It boosts your mood and eases the pain and discomfort associated with your periods. Experience real relief from monthly PMS symptoms like cramps, bloating, nausea, irritability and more. Research has shown magnesium deficiency is linked to PMS symptoms, both physical and emotional. Our infusion includes magnesium, glutathione and other beneficial nutrients for fast results.
Cramps Irritability Bloating Boosts Energy Levels
What's In It?
Magnesium Vitamins B Complex Glutathione and more
When to Drip?
Before PMS During PMS After PMS for hydration
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Visitors Have Arrived
30) Healthy Gut (IBS)
Give your gut the attention it deserves with this IV.Signs of an unhealthy gut include but are not limited to abdominal pain, bloating, smelly diarrhea and constipation. If you suffer from any of these or other forms of digestive distress, we encourage you to come in and see us for a Healthy Gut IV immediately. Zinc and L-glutamine both reduce intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) closing the tight-junctions between intestinal cells and thus protecting us from over-activating our immune systems and setting off inflammation. Glycyrrhizin has been added to this IV as it is a strong anti-inflammatory with cortisol modulating properties. The other ingredients are antioxidants like vitamin C and glutathione which are important protectors of the mucous layer and cells of the intestinal tract, shielding against the damage done from intestinal inflammation. All these vitamins and minerals are brought together in one IV to help kick start the healing process for your gut.
Pain & Cramps Uncontrollable Urges Diarrhea Constipation
What's In It?
Zinc Vitamin C L-glutamine L-arginine and more
When to Drip?
Symptoms of IBS Suffering from IBS
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Healthy Gut
31) Depression & PTSD
Turning around severe depression may not literally be a miracle. But if it happens to you, it can feel like one. Suffering from anxiety, depression, lack of energy& sleep or PTSD? This drip is designed to rebalance your mind and body by restoring B-Vitamins, Magnesium, and Selenium levels, and introducing Arginine and Lysine to your system which are precursors to vital neurotransmitters.
Anxiety Depression Sleeplessness Mood Swings
What's In It?
Vitamins Magnesium Selenium Arginine Lysine Glutathione Glutamine B5 6 2 12 and more
When to Drip?
Early signs of Depression & PTSD Prevent Depression & PTSD Feelings of Anxiety & Stress
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Depression PTSD
32) Parkinson's & Dementia
Do you have difficulty focusing? Becoming forgetful? Or feel like you always are in a brain fog? Enhance memory, clear brain fog, increase focus & clarity. Our Parkinson’s vitamin IV drip will help detoxify and repair your brain on a cellular level, boost your cognitive function, and provide the mental stamina you need to push through the week. 
Preventative measure for Alzheimer's Preventative measure for Parkinson's Preventative measure for Dementia Mental Clarity & Stamina Improves working memory
What's In It?
Glycine Vitamin C D3 CoQ10 Glutathione and more
When to Drip?
Early signs of Parkinson’s Dementia Alzheimer’s Vestibular Disorders UTI Lyme Disease
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Parkinsons Dementia
33) Someone Get Me Kleenex (Cold & Flu)
No one likes being sick, but we all realize it’s a part of life. Not much you can do about it, right? Wrong! What few people realize is that there is no reason at all for you to suffer unnecessarily with fever, aches, and pain indefinitely. Immediate rehydration, replenishing vital nutrients, an anti-inflammatory for the pain, and some secret weapons to boost your immunes system, all delivered by IV will have you feeling better in no time. Rehydrate and detoxify the body, boost the immune system, and increase energy to alleviate the symptoms of a cold or flu and to cover you for the winter season.Toradol, a powerful non-narcotic anti-inflammatory to end your aches, fever and pain. 
Restores Energy Relieves symptoms of common cold & flu Enhances Immune System Detoxify your body
What's In It?
L Glutamine Selenium B6 B5 B12 Magnesium and more
When to Drip?
Early signs of cold and flu During cold and flu
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Someone Get Me Kleenex
34) Alkalinity Infusion
Achieve an alkaline body for increased health, energy, vitality, and immune function with alkaline buffers.The body has a natural alkaline buffering system to ensure that it maintains the necessary pH. The body uses alkaline minerals such as sodium and magnesium to neutralize excess acids keeping the pH in check. However, poor diet, stress, pollution, chemicals and toxins overwork the body’s natural ability to neutralize acids, causing the body to become highly acidic and toxic. Supplementing with alkaline buffers such as magnesium and sodium bicarbonate, allow the body to work optimally, resulting in a net gain of alkalinity.
Helps maintain body’s PH balance. Drives the toxins away Boosts metabolism Strengthen Immune system
What's In It?
Sodium Magnesium Glutathione B12 6 2 5 and more
When to Drip?
Fatigued Lethargic Stressed Sleep Deprived
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Alkalinity Infusion
35) Amino Acid IV Infusion
Amino acids are the building blocks of life. Our body uses 23 amino acids, connected in different patterns to build protein molecules. Why is this important? Because your whole body is made of protein. It is used in the synthesis of muscle (actin, myosin), skin and connective tissues (collagen), enzymes (digestion of food) and hormones (insulin, growth hormone, thyroid hormone). Amino acids are even used to make neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and GABA, which influence our moods, carvings and behaviors. It goes without saying that we need a constant supply of amino acids to maintain optimal health. This IV is the fastest and most effective way to deliver amino acids directly into your circulation, boosting your reserves and sending them to your cells in high concentration. Repeated infusions of higher amounts of amino acids and customized amino acid therapy may be needed to relieve chronic deficiency.
Skin and connective tissue disorder Muscle Building Thyroid Disorder Growth Hormone Insomnia Cravings for sweets Depression Anxiety.
What's In It?
Amino acids Glutathione Essential Vitamins and more
When to Drip?
Anxiety Stress Mood Irritability Sleeplessness Fatigued Unnecessary cravings
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Amino Acid IV Infusion
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